Tag Archives: film

What to expect for Pride and Prejudice’s 200th anniversary

A really important year is coming – 2013. It’s Pride and Prejudice’s 200th anniversary (no, I can barely believe it either!) and the celebrations are going to be kicking off globally. While I’m personally very excited for the number of new books and new editions set to be published (I have a number of reviews already pending for the new year), there’s something very special about attending an actual event. For those of us here in Australia, the pickings might be somewhat more limited than those living in the UK or the US, but we can certainly have our fair share of entertainment.

I’ve done some searching early, and have put together a quick calendar for you of events worth considering around the country. If you hear of any others, by all means let me know, but this is what I’ve discovered so far. Also, I’ve marked on those I’m definitely going to or considering attending – if you’re coming, let me know.

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Knightley and Macfadyen hit the screens again

A film that “powerfully explores the capacity for love that surges through the human heart – Official synopsis

It is Keira Knightley and Matthew Macfadyen in the 1800s and directed by Joe Wright… but it’s not Pride and Prejudice. Don’t fear, if you loved the 2005 Pride and Prejudice adaptation, then you’ll most likely love this as the Jane Austen and Regency literature connections are never ending.

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P&P&Zombies movie… finally some solid information

Pride and Prejudice and Zombies- Craig Gillespie directing, David O Russell script

Apparently, Gillespie will be potentially asking Keira Knightley and Colin Firth to do cameos in PPZ.  His current intent is said to be to keep the love story between Elizabeth and Darcy as the platform for the film.

There will be “comic relief” he said. Continue reading

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Literary Criticism: “Austen didn’t need a Wonderbra™, was their argument …”

A little look at Dr. Olivia Murphy’s essay: “Books, Bras and Bridget Jones: reading adaptions of Pride and Prejudice

A lot of literary criticism is hard to get into.  From my highschool extension english days, and my university readings, I know that a lot of it can be plain painful.  However, occasionally I come across something that is so worth reading, and such a joy to read, that I want to share it.  And who better with, than other Pride and Prejudice fans?  Especially when the title of said essay is as enticing as it is.

This piece is mainly a critique on the 1995 adaptation (the Colin Firth, Jennifer Ehle one) and sort of a personal interrogation over our own readings and obsessions with Pride and Prejudice, in sort of what was once referred to as a ‘head fake’ by the amazing legacy that is Randy Pausch.  One thing that most of us Janeites, and worshippers-at-the-altar-of-Colin-Firth know is that there is a lot of sex in the BBC’s Pride and Prejudice, even if there isn’t any actual… well… y’know… sex. That probably doesn’t make a lot of sense, but anyone who has seen the wet-shirt scene, or the ‘gazing adoringly as Lizzy plays on the piano’ scene knows the sort of sex I’m talking about.  It’s thick with it, but it’s the just out of reach sort that most of us Austen fans love so much. Continue reading

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Yet ANOTHER director for PPZ

Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, the (hopefully) soon to be started Lionsgate flick, has undergone a turbulent year of different directors, rumours and actors in-and-out.  So, I bring you another potential director Craig Gillespie known mostly for some episodes of that series The United States of Tara (which I disliked) and Oscar-nominated Lars and the Real Girl.  He’s also doing the 1985 Fright Night remake that should be hitting the screens in August.

But why has it been so difficult for this venture to find a director?  Particularly when it has a high cult following, and is almost guaranteed to make some big numbers at the Box Office? Is it, as frequently suggested, scheduling problems?

(Trailer: Lars and the Real Girl)

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P&P&Zombies (2011) and Dawn of the Dreadfuls

Pride and Prejudice and Zombies (2011) FILM

After internet searching the novel for the last blog, and finding out there is going to be a film version I can’t stop thinking about it.  In my previous blog I wrote: “Natalie Portman is going to produce… and star in it.  I assume she will be Lizzy (and I have my reservations here), but assumptions are the mother of all stuff ups, so bear with me.  I can’t say I’m not really excited about this.  I ADORE zombie films.  28 days later, Dawn of the Dead etc… amazing.  But I don’t really want the P&P side of this to fall flat, and degrade the classic down into a rehashing of every other zombie movie but with some pretty bonnets thrown in.”

SIDE NOTE: A quick picture of the book prequel front cover- “Pride and Prejudice and Zombies: Dawn of the Dreadfuls”

It’s available on pre-order so make sure you get ready to snap up a copy- March 23!  I’m definitely going to get my hands on one the second March comes around.

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