Tag Archives: lost in austen

Pride and Prejudice book reviews in Frankie magazine

I love the Australian magazine Frankie. Gorgeous drawings, hilarious articles and anecdotes and pages of funky accessories that I’m not hipster enough to buy but alternative enough to enjoy staring at. It’s on beautiful paper (I get weird looks when I say that, but it’s completely true and any other bibliophile will understand) and satisfies my print magazine craving in a way that only a few magazines can.

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Imagine my surprise today when, in Issue 64, I flicked open to a gorgeous picture of Mr Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet (based on the BBC Colin Firth and Jennifer Ehle drama), both reading and facing in different directions. Love love love it.

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Another Book Club Meet, Mansfield Park vs Pride and Prejudice

The girls came to mine for our Mansfield Park meet.  Which, due to a mutual hatred of Fanny Price, turned into an eating, laughing, Lost In Austen re-watching, Mr.Darcy ogling session.  As is the rest of my life.  The entire night had me coming back to that discussion in The Jane Austen Book Club (film) where it is said that if it was 21st Century highschool politics- Fanny Price would be the unpopular one, while Elizabeth Bennet would be homecoming Queen.  Too Damn Right. 

Luckily enough, we had a lot of tea on hand to make these sorts of discussions less crude and more of the sipping, 18th Century observational style. (And yes, that would happen to be my hand pointing). Continue reading

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Rude Awakenings of a Jane Austen Addict, Video Review

Rude Awakenings of a Jane Austen Addict by Laurie Viera Rigler

Firstly, I know I haven’t blogged for a while (I’m sorry!).  As mentioned in the video below (in which I had just had a shower so my hair and makeupless face are kind of feral, but ahh well), I’ve been involved with some internships and a new magazine called the IF Project (which, although is still undergoing changes and needs some fixing, you can check out my section of on the website linked!)- where I was writing the news segment.  Anyway, I decided to try and make it up to you guys by making a video of my latest find!

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Filed under Book Review

Lost In Austen (2011)

Following the success of the English mini-series (which I wrote about last time) they are apparently turning LIA into a fully fledged movie due out next year.  There isn’t much around about the film, sadly enough, but I did hear that they are probably going to set our heroine in New York, rather than London as it was in the 2008 mini series. Continue reading


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Lost In Austen (2008)

Lost in Austen- TV miniseries

The idea behind this mini series is great.  An Austen fanatic ends up accidentally switching places with Elizabeth Bennet (through some weird-looking portal/door/cupboard in her bathroom), and has to try and fit in with her new life- who couldn’t adore that?  Unfortunately the series tries to change the storyline too much, to the point where the characters are no longer defined by those in the novel, and this makes it a bit confusing (lesbians, falling in love with the wrong people etc).

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