Tag Archives: tv

Jane Austen follows me everywhere

Jane Austen has this uncanny habit of following me everywhere. I haven’t blogged in a while as I have recently moved to Melbourne (for those that aren’t regular readers, I was previously in Sydney) for a new job. It has been a bit of a hectic time, and now that I’ve settled down again I can tell you that one of the few constants I have, has been Austen.


Even though I have left an entire bookcase of Jane Austen books back in Sydney, and I decided not to bring a copy of Pride and Prejudice with me (although I have a digital copy on my iPad), she has still managed to follow me to this new city.

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Pride and Prejudice first ever tv adaptation

Referred to as “little known” in a BBC 2004 news piece entitled “Jane Austen’s enduring appeal” (Caroline Westbrook), and the frustration of P&P fans worldwide, is the 1938 version of Pride and Prejudice that many have speculated has fallen off of the planet. Solely a “tv” adaptation, it is the first Jane Austen adaptation to ever hit the tv screens, and did so in the UK twice in May 1938. But information about the piece is limited, however a bit of hunting has revealed some interesting tidbits that I am hoping may lead to a video copy of the almost hour long production. Continue reading


Filed under A good find, Discussion, Movie Review, Other Review

Omid Djalili’s Pride and Racial Prejudice

If you want a giggle, you’ve come to the right place. From the Omid Djalili show a few years ago comes a sketch entitled “Pride and Racial Prejudice” a hilarious take on courtship, ethnicity and felafel.  It’s a light hearted chuckle at Jane Austen, manners and British sensibilities such as the stiff upper lip as well- so don’t take it too seriously.

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Filed under A good find, Other Review

More Pride and Prejudice, and Austen, advertisements

After my previous post about Pride and Prej being used to sell condoms, I’ve been keeping my eyes peeled more than ever.  As a result, I stumbled across this advertisement on Facebook (of course, it caught my eye, and I actually “liked” an advertisement, which I have never done before).  I screen captured it and cropped it off my profile to put into this post.  If you have seen it before, let me know.  Obviously, Facebook advertisements work on the basis of key words in your profile (so for us Janeites this tends to appear) as well as on relationship status et cetera, which means that it can be a little creepy when it appears to read your mind.

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Filed under A good find

Pride and Prejudice and condoms

For bad advertising, read this post: “Regency Condoms”

In August 2009, Trojan thought it would be a good idea to take our favourite Austen novel, mash together some of the famous lines and come up with a “Trojan 2Go” condom advertisement.  I guess the point isn’t to appeal to Janeites, and probably not even to women, and yet it still irritates me more than it should.  Perhaps it’s the lack of attention to detail, and the caricatures, but it really doesn’t sit well with me.  Nonetheless, it’s interesting viewing:

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Filed under A good find, Discussion