Tag Archives: modern

Artist profile Q&A: Pride and Prejudice illustrator Elizabeth Monahan

When I was looking for more covers to show you in my latest Top Five Pride and Prejudice covers, I stumbled across a self-published beautifully illustrated eBook version by artist Elizabeth Monahan. The gorgeous cover, below, has a slightly quirky style to it with Lizzy and Darcy obviously at odds. I was completely struck by it, and decided to contact her to ask more about where her ideas come from, and if we are to expect some more of her art sometime soon.

Monahan happily agreed to answer some questions for The Bennet Sisters, and also provided a few other illustrations for readers to see. They’re so lovely, I’m squeeing! This is something I’d love to give to a friend or relative at Christmas, and that has a rich, strong style to it but also manages to be lovely and whimsical. Certainly not an easy thing to do. Continue reading


Filed under A good find, Artist Profile, Book Review, Q&A

BOOK REVIEW: Fitzwilliam Darcy Rock Star

“A modern Pride & Prejudice that will rock your world … Sex, Drugs, Rock ‘N’ Roll” – Book cover

I picked up this 2011 modern retelling of our Pride and Prejudice from Glebe’s Sappho Books secondhand for $12 the other week – I spotted it straight away on the shelf (I think my brain is tuned into anything with the words ‘Darcy’, ‘Pride and Prejudice’ or ‘Bennet’ on it). I have struggled about where to begin with this review as I really enjoyed some aspects of it, and yet completely disliked other parts. Heather Lynn Rigaud has certainly succeeded in writing a book that will divide opinion, and my feelings are definitely mixed. By the end of it, you’ll feel as though you’ve gotten to know all the characters well, but you’ll also feel like you’ve run a marathon. Let me explain.

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The Pride and Prejudice Flipback book

“Join the reading revolution – A revolutionary new book format, giving book lovers a real reading experience with the portability of a mobile phone.” – Flipback launch brochure

With bible-thin pages from London-based Hodder & Stoughton, ISBN: 9781444730562, is this beautiful carry-around copy of Pride and Prejudice. But, positioning itself as the new-era rival to the Kindle and other eReaders, whether it is actually readable and has that “print experience” is up for debate. Continue reading


Filed under A good find, Other Review

BOOK REVIEW: Jane bites back by Michael Thomas Ford

“It is a truth universally acknowledged that Jane Austen is still alive today… as a vampire.” – Cover text on Jane Bites Back

I opened this book and thought I was going to hate everything about it. But despite not being a twihard, nor the biggest Pride and Prejudice and Zombies fan… this was surprisingly good. If you’re looking for something that will accurately portray a modern Jane Austen, or that is close sticking to vampire mythology, don’t look here. But, on the other hand, if you’re looking for a book with a half-decent plot, some literary name dropping (Byron, Bronte etc) and a heavy dose of romanticism, then this is for you.

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New Pride and Prejudice viral video… The Lizzie Diaries

So, we’ve seen a damn lot of popular youtube videos about Pride and Prejudice and Jane Austen (I’m thinking Jane Austen’s Fight Club to start), but this one seems to have got hits far more quickly. For example, the first episode currently has 117,385 hits (and counting) since April 9th when it was posted on youtube this month. I’ve been watching it with curiosity as it builds- there’s currently five episodes, each about three minutes long, that brings our 18th Century novel into the present day and tells it from Lizzie’s perspective.

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Filed under A good find, Movie Review, Preview

Book Review: Dear Jane Austen by Patrice Hannon

“A heroine’s guide to Life and Love”

This gorgeous read by Patrice Hannon was given to me by Pauline (my bestie, and member of the frequently-mentioned Jane Austen book club) for Christmas.  It’s an absolute delight, and a really nice concept.  Written in epistolary style, it is a book of advice from Jane Austen to modern-day “heroines in training” as though Jane herself was writing it (with full knowledge of the 21st Century) in response to their desperate questions.  Explaining her advice with references to her novels (there are plenty of Pride and Prejudice quotes and examples) and intersplayed with biographical details about Jane’s life and family, it is a remarkable read.

Potentially categorisable as a ‘self-help’ or Agony Aunt style book- there can be no possible better rules and etiquette guides than Austen herself.  Patrice Hannon does an incredible job of speaking in Austen’s voice, and explains Elizabeth Bennet and all her heroine’s decisions in the process.

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Fanfiction Review: Ebb and Flow by Ayden

This is the first long-form non-published fanfiction that I have bothered to read, and I really enjoyed myself.  After running into it interestedly over at ‘Mrs. Darcy’s Story Site’ I ended up ploughing quickly through the first few chapters, and then organising time in my mind to read the rest.  It’s called ‘Ebb and Flow’, written by a contributer called Ayden in 2007 (she also wrote ‘The Great Game’).  The way it is written is prosaic, with nice embellishments here and there to describe different emotions and for scenic value, which makes it a very easy read that suits this retelling style of fiction very well.  It does not require an intimate knowledge of Pride and Prejudice itself as the storyline is modernized and very altered, but the characters remain organic and fresh, despite being obvious representations of their Regency counterparts. Continue reading


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