Tag Archives: production

Knightley and Macfadyen hit the screens again

A film that “powerfully explores the capacity for love that surges through the human heart – Official synopsis

It is Keira Knightley and Matthew Macfadyen in the 1800s and directed by Joe Wright… but it’s not Pride and Prejudice. Don’t fear, if you loved the 2005 Pride and Prejudice adaptation, then you’ll most likely love this as the Jane Austen and Regency literature connections are never ending.

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Filed under A good find, Discussion, Movie Review, Preview

Pride and Prejudice first ever tv adaptation

Referred to as “little known” in a BBC 2004 news piece entitled “Jane Austen’s enduring appeal” (Caroline Westbrook), and the frustration of P&P fans worldwide, is the 1938 version of Pride and Prejudice that many have speculated has fallen off of the planet. Solely a “tv” adaptation, it is the first Jane Austen adaptation to ever hit the tv screens, and did so in the UK twice in May 1938. But information about the piece is limited, however a bit of hunting has revealed some interesting tidbits that I am hoping may lead to a video copy of the almost hour long production. Continue reading


Filed under A good find, Discussion, Movie Review, Other Review

Pride and Prejudice and Strippers

With the new Burlesque film hitting the screens lately (starring the lovely Christina Aguilera), it looks as though everyone wants a piece of the action.  And Pride and Prejudice (and Zombies) hasn’t been left out.  A group called “Book Club Burlesque” in New York have held a “Pride and Prejudice and Zombies and Strippers” night apparently to “promote literacy”, “showcase unique talent” and “have SEXY FUN!”.

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Filed under A good find, Discussion, Weekly News